Fund Provider or Business Name
Name of Fund or Initiative
Main contact for this award
Position in organisation
Email address
Phone number
For Mainstream Investment Funds
Describe the aims, strategic approach to emissions reductions and overall approach to investment:
- The ways by which climate mitigation is integrated into your investments
- The approach to trade-offs between emissions reductions, investments in climate solutions, risks and returns
Describe the approach to emissions reductions, including:
- Steps along the pathway towards net zero emissions and beyond, including:
> Coverage of emissions measurement as proportion of the portfolio, and as proportion of asset classes
> Coverage of invested/financed Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
> Extent of climate disclosure reporting and whether or not it is public (CRD or voluntary)
- Describe long term and interim targets, and whether these are public and/or UN-aligned Net Zero pledge
> Sources of verification for targets (eg. SBTi)
- Specific measures to reduce emissions in portfolios – include links to engagement practices, exclusions, decarbonisation measures, etc
- Progress so far in emissions reductions, including latest emissions data, trend analysis and most relevant benchmarks
Outline specific initiatives taken to increase investments in climate solutions within the investment portfolio, including:
- The aim for investments in climate solutions, and the proportion of portfolio
- The process and criteria for selecting investments, and how they contribute to emissions reductions
- The scope, including the number of investments and scale of funding
- Where relevant, the contribution from the fund manager to the climate investment, including type of funding, governance, advice or other forms of support
Provide a profile and rationale of up to three of the largest investments (for established funds) or examples of investments that are planned to be funded (for new funds).
For Funds Investing in Climate Solutions
Describe the fund and the changes that it is aiming to achieve, including:
- The aim for emissions reductions or enhanced resilience from investments in climate solutions
- The rationale for the strategic approach, including dynamics of the target investment market, an assessment of the opportunities, major assumptions and the key success factors
- The process and criteria for selecting investments, and how they contribute to the objectives of the fund
- The research/due diligence undertaken into the selection of investments
- The scope, including the number of investments, depth of engagement with investments and scale of funding
- Where relevant, the contribution from the fund manager to the enterprise, including type of funding, governance, advice or other forms of support.
Outline the expectations for financial risks and returns, including:
- The fund’s aim for level of risk, returns and length of investment (eg. open or closed)
- The hurdle rate of return for specific investments
- The approach to trade-offs between impacts, risks and returns
- Supporting evidence for financial estimates.
Describe the ways that climate impact is measured at the level of each initiative, and collectively across the fund, including:
- Methodologies used to assess emissions reductions or climate resilience
- Source of information used to calculate emissions impacts or quantify resilience, and any means for verification
- Integration (and measurement) of potential co-benefits, and any social and environmental risks.
Describe past or planned capital raises, including:
- Sources of funding, capital offers and summary of terms
- Timing and pathway for capital raises in future.
Provide profiles of up to three key investments (for established funds) or examples of investments that are planned to be funded (for new funds).
Supporting documentation
Please include URL links to any supporting documentation for your entry, such as links to articles and other content referenced in the entry. We strongly encourage you to use URLs for your supporting documentation, however if you need to email any to us please send them to
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