Awards Entry Form:
Best Climate Action Investor
Entries have now closed
This award will go to the fund provider or fund that can best demonstrate a strong purpose and a clear vision for how their enterprise will reduce emissions, build climate resilience and/or invest in impactful climate solutions.
Mainstream funds that are committed to climate action are eligible, as are funds focused on investing in climate solutions.
The managed investment fund provider or climate fund must be registered in New Zealand. It can be available to either wholesale or retail investors. It may be a managed investment scheme, government entity, social enterprise, not-for-profit enterprise, a collaboration, or a commercial fund. This category includes an issuer or a fund for green or climate bonds, but not a single bond issue.
This is a single award covering the categories of ‘greening finance’ (ie. integrating climate action into investment portfolios) and ‘financing green’ (ie. directing capital into climate solutions, including both reducing emissions and building resilience).
Entrants should complete the entry for either the mainstream investment fund section, or the climate solutions fund section, but not both.
An administration fee of $150 + GST is charged for each award entry. An invoice will be sent to the contact details submitted with the award entry.
Please contact if you have any queries about the awards process.
This is an online form, and you cannot save it, so you may want to answer each section offline and paste it in.
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